The National Survey of Driver Wages

Participate in The Next Generation in Trucking survey

The National Transportation Institute, in conjunction with The Next Generation in Trucking Association, is performing research into the opportunities fleets provide CDL holders or prospective CDL holders under the age of 21 and how the industry is engaged in reaching potential drivers under the age of 21 and promoting trucking opportunities to them.

The Next Generation in Trucking Association is a non-profit trade association whose mission is to engage with and train the next generation of trucking industry professionals by partnering with high schools, community and technical colleges, and private schools to launch training programs around the United States and to promote trucking as a first-choice career for those in high school and college. 

To learn more about The Next Generation in Trucking Association, to support the group as an individual or corporate member, or to share your personal story or your fleet's story, visit